Mar 26, 2014

My Name Is Paul dvd Review

 I recently reviewed a wonderful film from Word Films titled, "My Name Is Paul" and I absolutely loved it!  This movie is set in the end times when the government is trying to rid the world of Christ followers.  Paul is a cruel, merciless killer of anyone who is in the movement called, The Way. The Way followers hide where ever they can so that Paul and his group of bad men cannot find them. Paul is under the rule of the horrible Satan like leader that demands he find, and kill, Peter, the leader of The Way people.  As Paul looks for Peter he commits awful acts of killings, sparing no one of any age or gender.

 One day Paul and 2 other of the killers are in a car wreck and the wreck leaves Paul blind.  God has blinded Paul so that he will change his ways and see that Christ is the answer.  Ananias is a follower of God and he, through God, heals Paul's sight.  When Paul finally realizes that he has been wrong and all the destruction he has caused, he changes.  Paul then begins to go and teach others about Christ.  In the end Paul is confronted by the government and told he must seek out Peter and kill him or he and the Christians they have held in capture will be killed.  
 I do not want to tell the ending of this movie because it is a must-see.  Watching the change from Paul, the persecutor, to Paul the Christ leader is amazing.  I loved this movie and it really touched my soul.  As a Christian I know the Biblical story of Saul and Paul.  Paul was an amazing man that God used in many ways and the Bible tells of his journeys.  Michael Joiner plays Paul in this movie and he does a remarkable job.  I could watch it over and over.  This movie will touch many hearts and hopefully save lost souls.
  March 11 DVD release of faith-based film “My Name is Paul” by producers Jurgen 
Beck and Vanessa Ore. The film, using the analogy of the Apostle Paul who 
started as a zealous persecutor of Christians has been awarded the Dove “Family-Approved” Seal for ages 12+. 

*Thanks to Word Films for allowing me to review this film.
*I was not monetarily compensated for the review of this product.
* I received this product in hopes that I would write an honest review for my blog readers.
*The opinions of this product are strictly my own.

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