Oct 30, 2014

First Aid Shot Therapy Review

  I was allowed to review for a wonderful company whose product will help take away pain and an upset stomach with only 1 shot of their First Aid Shot Therapy.  First Aid Shot Therapy is F.A.S.T relief for any type of pain and a upset stomach.  Many people today have trouble swallowing pills so First Aid made a liquid drink to help these people get relief without having to take a pill.  Just one shot of First Aid will quickly remedy either one of your problems because it is absorbed very fast into the body.

  If you have body and muscle aches, bad headaches, or even lower back pain you want some relief, and you need it quickly, then you must try out First Aid Shot Therapy.  I suffer from Fibromyalgia and muscle spasms so I definitely know how bad pain feels.  I drank one of the shots from First Aid the other night when I was hurting really bad and it eased my pain immensely within 20-30 minutes.  The taste of this shot is also very good - it tastes like berries.  First Aid Shot Therapy is a different kind of pain relief because they combine Choline Salicylate (a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug - NSAID) and Caffeine (pain relief aid).

 I also suffer from a constant sour stomach and I hate the taste of those chalky tablets you chew up.  I was very anxious to try this shot out.  I really liked the taste of this - it tastes like peppermint, ginger and a little bit of chocolate.  It has a very smooth taste with no after taste.  The carbonate, CO3, neutralizes the stomach acid that is causing upset and pain by reacting with the acid ions (H+) to produce water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2).  I did get relief very quickly with this product and I definitely recommend it.

  Both us these products are FDA compliant which is very important to me.  They both work and they work quickly.  I would recommend both of these products.  The small bottles are easy to carry with you in the car, in your purse, on a airplane or just to keep on hand at work or home.
  You can purchase both of these First Aid Shot Therapy products at your local 7-11 stores, Amazon.com, Walgreens, Safeway and most drug stores in your area.  Join First Aid's Facebook and Twitter to get more information about these products.

  *First Aid Shot Therapy was made available for me to review through Sverve. 
  *The opinions of these products are strictly my own.
  *I received these products in an exchange for a honest written review. 
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