Have you been searching super stores and book/movie stores to try and find that one great movie you haven't seen in a long time and you just can't find it anywhere? You can't even find it in those "box" machines to rent. Well, now there is a place online called, "WhichMovieNext.com that has just about every movie ever made for sale.
I have been trying to find an oldy, but goody, movie that has always been my favorite, for a long time. I had not had any luck until I found this website. And sure enough, they had it! The movie is Forrest Gump and I have always wanted my grand kids to see it, and now I can buy it for them.
WhichMovieNext.com lists the movies by Genre, Storylines, Actors and there is also a All Movies category. When you find the movie you are looking for it will have little extra knowledge bubbles out beside the movie. It will also tell the year it was released and an into to the movie. It will look like this:
Forrest Gump was released in 1994, featuring Tom Hanks and Robin Wright and earned an average rating of 7.7.
For instance if you were looking for all movies with Tom Hanks in it, this is how it would appear, but that page would be all his movies.I really like it that WhichMovieNext.com can find all those old Walt Disney movies for me. I found Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty!
To find these movies I looked under the All Movies category and every movie is listed under the beginning letter of the name of the movie and from there you follow down the list in alphabetical order until your movie appears. I was quite surprised to find the classic Disney movie's because they are almost impossible to find.
Now I know where to go and buy the movie's I've always wanted my family to see that I figured were never to be released to sale again.
My husband and I named our son Shane after the 1953 movie "Shane" , starring Alan Ladd and I plan on buying this movie for my son for Christmas now that I have found it.
I truly can't tell you how excited I am over finding this website and I know you will be too. What a great place for all you movie collectors to find those one's you couldn't buy before now. I would highly recommend you visiting this website and look up that special movie you love and I bet you will find it for sale. WhichMovieNext.com is awesome!
*Thanks to WhichMovieNext.com for working with me.
*The opinions of this product are 100% my own.
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