Oliver's Heroes is an adorable book about Oliver and his friends who watch their kids go to school everyday and then they meet by a large tree and plan their fun day. On this certain day, the pups get to talking about a spider with purple stripes and green dots that they have seen coming into their kids rooms. The spider scares the kids and runs away. The dogs decide they want to go hunt for the spider which means going into the forest. Some of the dogs are pretty scared about the forest visit.
Mandy, Oliver and Wiggles are too scared. Wiggles eyes are popping out, Oliver's knees are shaking and Mandy's ears are pinned back at the thought of the forest. But, the other dogs tell them they will take care of them because they need to find that spider.
Not long after entering the forest they see a huge purple striped and green dotted spider. Hidden behind this big spider is a little spider named Jack. He admits he has been coming into the rooms, but he only wants to make friends , but everyone is scared of him which makes him sad.
The dogs tell the spider that he isn't scary - just unique and different like they themselves are. Some have different colored eyes, some have odd colored spots. Oliver says he is the smallest of the Heroes, but has the biggest ears and Mandy says she is the biggest, but the shyest. The dogs explain how being different isn't bad, because everyone is different. So Jack becomes their friend and he shows off some of the pretty stuff in the forest to the dogs,
Now, it is time to go greet their kids after school. It has been a Two Paws Up day and they are all happy.
Oliver's Heroes is based on real actual dogs that were rescued by the author of this book, Cheryl Smith. Cheryl writes about her dogs to help bring awareness to the need of orphaned dogs that need love and homes just like regular dogs. Also, you can buy this book online here.
Take a look at a few of the real Heroes:
This is Oliver - what a pretty pose
Here is Buster--notice the eyes.
And... Mr. Bean who has an artificial eye.
Oliver's Heroes is a great book with a meaning that your child will appreciate learning and the cause is definitely a very important one. Please order this book and help dogs in need.
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