Nov 29, 2020

"Peace" Book Review/Giveaway



  What is peace? What is its purpose, spiritually, emotionally, and globally? Peace seeks to ground this concept in its cultural contexts and explore it through the thoughts and words of humanity's greatest peacemakers. Peace is the cornerstone of civilization, allowing all nations to grow and thrive while enabling individuals to learn and develop together. There is no goal more desirable, and many great men and women have given their lives in its pursuit. Peace encapsulates their collected wisdom through quotes, prayers, and thoughtful meditations on the subject of unity.


   One of my favorite sayings in this book is "All we are saying is give peace a chance, " by John Lennon. Of course we all know he used these words in a Beatles song.  I love this book because peace is definitely something our world really needs right now.  "Peace" is full of many, many useful and beautiful sayings.


Peace stimulates reflection and to inspire discussion at work, at home, and among friends about the meaning of peace–personally, spiritually, and politically.  
   When you buy a book from Penguin Random House they also donate a book to a non profit mission for all children to have a chance to read.
   Please visit their website for this book and so many others.  This book is published by Hatherleigh Press 

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