In Plain Sight is an inspiring documentary featuring the work of six female abolitionists as they fight against sex trafficking in the United States. Journeying to six US cities, the film opens the viewer’s eyes to what’s happening down the street ‘in plain sight.’ Through engaging interviews with numerous victims of sex trafficking, the force, coercion, and deception of the children and women becomes apparent. In the midst of the darkness, stories of hope and freedom emerge as each survivor shares how she was impacted through the work of a sex trafficking aftercare home founded by one of the featured abolitionists.
I was allowed to review this film and I must say I was so unaware of this happening in my country, the great U S of A, let alone in cities very near my own, and it may possibly be happening in my own home town. This documentary is a film that needs to be shown in every town and even in high schools and colleges across America.
I, like so many others, thought of Sex Trafficking to be in Mexico, China, South America - everywhere, but home. I know prostitution takes place in most large cities, but never did I think of it happening to children in my own country.
This movie reaches into your heart and makes you aware that not all children grow up in the perfect home. Some children run away, some are abused by parents or other relatives, and sadly many are sold for drugs,cars and other things. We as human beings have got to help end this horrible destruction that is being done to our children and men and women everywhere.
As you watch this movie you will see what several wonderful people have done as their part to help. Now they need all of us to help too. One woman says if you paint-paint them a picture, if you have clothes donate them, if you can volunteer your time in these homes then do so. Do anything you feel God leads you to do to help these lost souls feel and know love again.
I wasn't prepared for how bad sex trafficking is until I watched this movie, but it did touch my heart and I now want to help in some way. Please buy this movie and help spread the word to others about this horrific wrong that is happening 24 hrs. a day all across the world and let's begin somewhere to help stop it.
*You can purchase this movie from ,Word Entertainment. The DVD, music album, and 31 Day Devotional & Group Study Guide.
Running Time: 68
Release Date: January 13th
2015MSRP: $15.99
*I received this movie free in exchange for an honest, written review.
*The opinions of this product are strictly my own.
*I was not monetarily compensated for this review.
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