Young Abe Lincoln was just a boy when he visited New Salem. There he meets a beautiful young girl maned Ann, where he confides in her about his childhood with an abusive father and the loss of his mother at a very young age only to gain a wonderful, loving step mother. Abe is hired on with a flatboat crew which takes him to New Salem.
You will love the story by Sam Rawlins titled: Young Lincoln New Salem. Abe Lincoln will fall madly in love with Ann as she lived and then as she guides him as an angel through the rest of his life.
Lincoln is a very spiritual, religious young man and this leads him to make the choices he makes.

By the 1830's, Lincoln had already served as a postmaster, a store clerk and a captain of the militia in the Blackhawk War. All these events took place between the ages of Abe's life at 22 through 26.
Through these young years Lincoln will experience a love that will lead him and haunt him for the rest of his life.
I love history books and I already knew the outcome on Abe Lincoln the man who would become President of the United States. I knew his convictions of men and women as slaves, but I never knew his younger life. This book will tell you the facts of this amazing humanitarian that served our country as one of the best Presidents in U. S. historian.
* Thanks to Sam Rawlins for allowing me to review this book .
* The reviews of this book are 100% my own opinions.
* I was not monetarily compensated for this review.
* I received this book free of charge in exchange for a wriiten , honest review.
Sounds like a good book