Found connected with Oceana, the world's largest ocean advocacy,, and they marked 100.000 glass bottles in remembrance of the ocean mammals lost by the impact of plastics. You can visit Found's site and pledge to stop this needless cause of death to sea animals today. Click here to find.
About the water: This sparkling water comes from the Uludag National Park in Turkey. This sparkling, refreshing water is then turned into a mineral water by adding natural aromas. The fresh mineral water has several different beverage tastes, I tried the Elderberry and it is delicious! This thirst quenching water has the number from 1 to 100,000 ocean animals lost to plastics each year. This is why Found uses only glass bottles to serve their product from. 100% pf the profits of this water goes to Oceana's cause.
The water is amazing and the cause is even more! Go to Oceana today and sign up to help save ocean mammals from plastic pollution for the sea animals that still live there today and the future of the ones that will continue on.
Watch the video below from Oceana:

*Remember June is Ocean Water Month!!!!
^Thanks to Found and Oceana for allowing me to review and post for them.
*The review is 100% my own.
*I received this product free of charge in exchange for an honest writtrn review.
*I was not monetarily compensated for this review.
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